Monday, April 07, 2008

It Was a Dark and Stormy Time

Haven't been around much lately, have I? Interesting thing though, no one noticed. Oh well, it's a good thing my blog is for me. Otherwise I would be discouraged. And I have to say, the old advice about "leave a comment on other people's blog and they'll leave comments on yours" is mostly baloney. But it's really ok, I love my boring life and wouldn't have it any other way.

Gene started his drawing class at SCAD and seems to be having a good time. I'm not sure the classes are really being helpful since there seems to be more of an emphasis on drawing materials than on "how to draw" but he's having fun and that's what counts. It's fun watching him have fun.

The last few weekends have been rainy and stormy and not really good for getting out with my camera. But I did manage to get a few (a very few) pictures that I'm happy with. This photo of a fall-colored leaf hanging on through the gloominess of late winter/very early spring was taken on a nature trail which I discovered running beside our courthouse. The trail is still mostly winter drab and colorless but this little charmer was just hanging there, glowing as hard as she could. So I took her picture.

Found Treasure

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Oh, I always come to leave comments when you leave me one...I just am so far behind...but I eventually make it!

It is discouraging when no one comments on a blog, but it sounds like you have the right attitude.

Sometimes I go to blogs after they leave me a comment and they have no new post---maybe I should leave a comment anyway, just so they know I was there.

That photo is totally awesome and I enjoyed viewing it...your photography skills seem to be growing.