Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tiny Thing = Big Joy (Part Two)



Tired of my gardening pictues yet? Sorry. Well, sorry that YOU are tired of them cause I'm sure not. These perfect little cherry tomatoes came from Costa Farms by way of Lowe's.  I went in to buy something totally different and saw these forlorn little hanging baskets with a "clearance sale" price on them - $2.50 each.  The plants were straggly, neglected-looking little things and I thought I was probably wasting my $5 - but they were covered with flowers and trying their best to survive.  And survive they did!  They are now totally wonderful looking - tiny little dark green leaves on tiny little plants and in small, small black plastic hanging baskets.  But check out those tomatoes!  And tomorrow I intend to do just that myself - I am going to harvest that largest one and pop it into my mouth fresh from the plant.  If it tastes as good as it looks, I will be a happy girl.  (I posted two photos so you could get a feel for the true size of the plants and fruit.)
Joy Journal: Hummingbirds, cardinals, towhees, nuthatches, chickadees, catbirds, woodpeckers and blue jays - all in my backyard at the same time.


Sherry said...

They look yummy!

Linda B said...

I agree with Sherry!