Monday, August 13, 2012

MY iPhone Photography

Young Girl Statue
I'm trying to improve my iPhone photography so during the past week when I've had a break from staying at the hospital with my brother I've been playing around. As I did the last time my brother was in the hospital I've spent some of my break time in the Rosehill Cemetery and the Riverside Cemetery in Macon, Georgia. Both have some of the most beautiful statuary and scenery but I don't seem able to go there when the light is right. It's either much too bright and the light is directly overhead or it is overcast and the light is washed out. Cemetery statuary is usually grey and is often marked with a dark (probably algae) growth. So this photo has several Camera+ filters added to it to give it more of a sense of mystery.

I know I have been mostly absent from my blog. My brother's health issues have been escalating and my attention to other things has been sporadic. But I haven't given up on blogging. While I don't have a lot to say and certainly nothing all that fascinating or important I do want to continue with this blog. So I hope you're willing to hang with me. If not, well, I understand.


Joy Journal: Small signs of improvement


Odd Chick said...

I have missed you and I'm sorry to hear about your brother's escalating illness. It scares me to realize that at this age, it's going to be about losing people, one at a time. ... Okay, now that I cheered you up, hang in there and keep snapping thse cemetery pictures. I love old cemeteries which is where all us dead people will end up (intially) so I end on a happy note! Lol

Shelley said...

I find cemeteries to be very peaceful and picturesque places to wander with my camera. I too have problems with the light, and the greyness of the statuaries and never quite get the shot I'm hoping for.

Oregon City being the end of the Oregon Trail has a cemetery with many pioneer graves.

I am sorry that your brother is not doing well right now. Sending prayers and hoping for the best.

Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear about your brother's health condition. I will include him in my prayers. I do understand what your going through. Its alright if you post sporadically, we'll still be here waiting for your posts.
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