Thursday, January 01, 2009

Welcome, 2009

Good riddance to 2008.

I'm not making any New Year's Resolutions this year. 2008 continually pointed out to me that most things are totally out of my control. The ability to roll with the punches and to keep getting back up when knocked down were the character traits most needed and most used in 2008.

2009 is going to be challenging. But both my husband and I have good, relatively secure jobs, our home is paid for and our health seems good. Our life has changed a lot now that my mother has moved in with me but overall it is still a pretty good life and I am thankful. So, welcome, 2009, I still have high hopes for you.

Happy New Year to all of you who stop by occasionally. I wish you peace and fulfillment in the coming year. And my prayer is that God will keep you in his care.

Joy Journal: Beautiful sunshine is streaming through my windows on this cold day.


Anetka said...

Hi Ernie:)
great post, good to hear from you again:)

I wish you all the best in New Year 2009. May it be lighter than 2008 for you and your family:)

ps. my name is Aneta (Anetka is a "softer, sweeter" way of it:))

Odd Chick said...

Hi Ernie,
I'm glad you're posting again. Nobody can know what 2009 holds- but we know WHo holds the future so I think we're in good hands. I wish blessings over-flowing for you and your home!

Cheryl said...

You sound down. Here. Take a cyber hug.