Sunday, June 06, 2010

Unexpected Results

Sometimes things that aren't planned turn out to be wonderful. While we were in Houston over the Memorial Day weekend, Saint Gene and I went riding around to visit some of his old childhood haunts. On the way from one place to another we had to go through the Washburn Tunnel which crosses, deep undergound, the Houston ship channel. While in the tunnel I picked up my camera to see if it was on and without thinking held it up and pressed the shutter. I absolutely love the results.  I made poor Saint Gene drive through the tunnel 3 more times just so I could play with the camera.  

Joy Journal: Magical firefly display in our yard.

1 comment:

Odd Chick said...

this is a fantastic picture. it really captures the encasement, the casket like feel of the tunnel and the blaring red gives it a lot of drama!!