Friday, January 03, 2014

New Year's Cup of Words

photo WordCloud.jpg
As I was thinking of my word for the year (Energy) I was searching for words that might work for me. Ali Edwards always has a word of the year project on her blog so I copied all of the words that her readers were using and I created a word cloud out of them. Using Tagxedo I was able to make the words into a coffee cup shape which I felt was appropriate because I do a lot of my thinking over a cup of coffee. There are some really good words in this list and many of them would have worked for me. But "energy" is still the word I need, so I'm sticking with it.


Joy Journal: Saint Gene's Birthday Dinner

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Great word cloud, and thank you for sharing about Tagxedo too. I'd never heard of that, but just checked out their page. Very cool, looks like fun!