Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Trip Through (fill in the blank)

I wonder if I could do the photo-a-day thing? I visited the photoblog A Walk Through Durham Township and realized that my photography skills really aren't going to improve if I don't take more photos. D'uh. I was carrying my camera with me everywhere for awhile, but now it resides in my car most of the time. And funny thing is, it never takes a picture on its own! D'uh again. I keep longing and pining for a new camera but I'm not even using the one I have very often. Triple D'uh!!! So I'm going to *try* to take at least one good photo a day. Maybe something along the lines of A Trip Through Midtown Atlanta. Or A Trip Through Ernie's Home. Or something. But a photo a day. My new goal. Now I just have to get the camera out of the car and into my hands.


Mary said...

I am guilty, too. The first summer I had my camera, I went searching for things to photograph several times a week. Most of my shots were so-so. But I also got some great shots I am proud of.

This last year I have hardly had the camera out of the case. You really get better pictures if you go looking for them. When I am in that mode, I see things I don't ordinarily see. I need to start looking again.

How are you liking the lessons at SSTPSP?

Rambler said...

Hi Ernie! I found your post about your camera very amuseing! D'uh:) Well I'm off to look at some old cars take care. Hummies Hub-e

Cheryl said...

Hey, I think that's a great idea. Would give you something to blog about.